Christmas Tree Bokeh

Digital Christmas Tree Bokeh

Isolated miniature tree

Holiday Digital Christmas Tree Bokeh Background – Easy Peasy way to create a bokeh background…. create your own bokeh from a christmas tree image.

Find an image that contains a concentrated area of the colors you want to use for your bokeh background. OR create one! The holiday season is great for this as you probably already have a tree you can use. If you have a large tree up take a photo of the center of it.

OR buy a small tree like the example to the left, and follow the steps below to fill the page with the tree branches below.

  1. Take a photo of tree on white background. Isolate the image using the refine edge tool. Save as a PSD file.
  2. Create a new document: File>new white background, as large as you want it.
  3. Drag the isolated tree psd file to your new document
  4. Make duplicate layers of the tree by clicking on the tree layer and then ctrl-j. Randomly move the tree layers to fill up page. Save as PSD file.
  5. Flatten image go to layer>flatten image.
How to make bokeh blur settings

Field Blur

  1. Use the flattened tree image. Go to filter>Blur>Field Blur. **note: if image is not flattened, you will not be able to use the field blur tool.
  2. Check the field blur box, blur to your liking. I blurred mine to approx 140 px.
  3. Check the bokeh box, settings: light bokeh: 50%, color bokeh 50% light range between 160 and 255. Adjust to your liking.
  4. Click ok when done. Here is a screenshot of the field blur menu on the left.

Photo to the right is a section of the tree bokeh paper that was made.

I changed the colors by using the Image>new adjustment layer>saturation, and also image>new adjustment layer> color balance. Play with the sliders until you see a color you like that will match the subject you are going to place in front of it. Now you are ready to use your background and get creative!

Christmas tree Home made Bokeh
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